35 research outputs found

    El tema de Dios en la filosofía de Julián Marías

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    Evolutionary Approach for Relative Gene Expression Algorithms

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    A Relative Expression Analysis (RXA) uses ordering relationships in a small collection of genes and is successfully applied to classiffication using microarray data. As checking all possible subsets of genes is computationally infeasible, the RXA algorithms require feature selection and multiple restrictive assumptions. Our main contribution is a specialized evolutionary algorithm (EA) for top-scoring pairs called EvoTSP which allows finding more advanced gene relations. We managed to unify the major variants of relative expression algorithms through EA and introduce weights to the top-scoring pairs. Experimental validation of EvoTSP on public available microarray datasets showed that the proposed solution significantly outperforms in terms of accuracy other relative expression algorithms and allows exploring much larger solution space

    Imaging in a rare case of neuroendocrine tumour with skin metastases

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    Purpose: Disseminated malignancies are a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge that is often encountered in radiology. Finding the primary tumour is crucial for planning proper surgical and oncological treatment. Computed tomography (CT) of the thorax and abdomen is typically the initial examination. However, abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or positron emission tomography (PET/CT) or PET/MRI are often subsequently performed. Histopathological examination of metastatic tumours is performed as well, followed by immunohistochemistry. The aim of the report was to present diagnostic workup in a rare case of skin metastases. Case report: A 72-year-old patient was admitted to a dermatology ward because of skin lesions - violaceous nodules localised on the hair-covered skin of the head. On abdominal CT, a generalised neoplastic process with metastases in the liver, pancreas, adrenal glands, lymph nodes, bones, thoracic wall, and a suspected metastasis in the right breast was revealed. Histopathology of the skin nodules confirmed a neuroendocrine tumour. Metastases of a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour or small-cell lung cancer were suspected on immunohistochemistry. The patient died before we were able to localise the primary source of the tumour and provide treatment. Conclusions: Skin metastases are relatively rare, aggravate the prognosis, and usually indicate spread of the neoplastic process in the internal organs. It is not always possible to localise the primary tumour using radiological imaging. In such cases, co-operation with the pathologist is crucial as are the results of histopathological and immunohistochemical examinations

    Międzynarodowe stosunki polityczne

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    Multi-test Decision Tree and its Application to Microarray Data Classification

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    Objective: The desirable property of tools used to investigate biological data is easy to understand models and predictive decisions. Decision trees are particularly promising in this regard due to their comprehensible nature that resembles the hierarchical process of human decision making. However, existing algorithms for learning decision trees have tendency to underfit gene expression data. The main aim of this work is to improve the performance and stability of decision trees with only a small increase in their complexity. Methods: We propose a multi-test decision tree (MTDT); our main contribution is the application of several univariate tests in each non-terminal node of the decision tree. We also search for alternative, lower-ranked features in order to obtain more stable and reliable predictions. Results: Experimental validation was performed on several real-life gene expression datasets. Comparison results with eight classifiers show that MTDT has a statistically significantly higher accuracy than popular decision tree classifiers, and it was highly competitive with ensemble learning algorithms. The proposed solution managed to outperform its baseline algorithm on 1414 datasets by an average 66 percent. A study performed on one of the datasets showed that the discovered genes used in the MTDT classification model are supported by biological evidence in the literature. Conclusion: This paper introduces a new type of decision tree which is more suitable for solving biological problems. MTDTs are relatively easy to analyze and much more powerful in modeling high dimensional microarray data than their popular counterparts

    Analiza czynników matczynych i wyników położniczych u kobiet z cukrzycą ciążową. Wyniki programu naukowo-edukacyjnego „Dbamy o Mamy”

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    Aim. The aim of the study was to analyze maternal factors and obstetric outcomes in the women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in the polish population.Material and methods. The programme “We care for the Mothers” was a prospective, multicenter observational study that allowed to establish a database of 2853 patients with gestational diabetes treated between 2011 and 2013 in 42 diabetological departments in Poland. Diagnostic criteria, blood glucose self-control principles, glycemic targets and treatment principles were based on the guidelines of the Polish Diabetes Association 2011. The programme was based on the questionnaire, in which data concerning medical history (including obstetric data), anthropometric data, data concerning GDM treatment as well as the data concerning current pregnancy were gathered. All the data were then statistically analyzed.Results. 75 g OGTT result was available in 2497 women, of which GDM was ultimately diagnosed in 2408 patients. The mean age at the diagnosis was 30.59 ± 4.88 years (15.9% women > 35 years of age), BMI before conception was 24.75 kg/m2. The most frequent GDM risk factors were: history of pregnancy (61.46%), history of diabetes in the family (49.21) as well as overweight and obesity in the women (40.16%). At least one GDM risk factor was noted in 86.97% of the analyzed population. Insulin therapy was introduced in 23.83%; the higher BMI prior to conception the higher the frequency if insulin therapy was. Preterm delivery were observed in 6.36%, and 47% of deliveries was ended via cesarean section. Mean birth weight of the neonate was 3344 g; LGA and macrosomy rate was 8.59% and 9.77%, respectively. In the women with overweight or obesity, comparing to the group with normal weight, higher rate of LGA (p < 0.05) and higher neonatal birth weight (p < 0.001) was observed. No correlation between birth weight, LGA, SGA nor macrosomy of the neonates and gestational weight gain, fasting or postload glycemia in 75 g OGTT was observed. No significant differences in obstetric outcomes were noted as concerned GDM treatment, age and the number of previous pregnancies.Conclusions. The women that suffer from GDM in Poland are usually around 30 years old, with normal weight, history of pregnancy in the past and at leastone GDM risk factor. One in four women requires insulin therapy. Women with GDM usually give birth to a full-term newborn with normal birth weight, and in about 10% the neonate with excessive birth weight, significantly more often in overweight or obese mothers. Neither age of the women, OGTT result, nor the mode of treatment have the impact on obstetric outcomes.Wstęp. Celem badania była analiza czynników matczynych oraz wyników położniczych u kobiet z cukrzycą ciążową (GDM) w populacji polskiej.Materiał i metody. Program „Dbamy o Mamy” miał charakter prospektywnego, wieloośrodkowego badania obserwacyjnego, który pozwolił na stworzenie bazy danych 2853 pacjentek z cukrzycą ciążową leczonych w latach 2011–2013 w 42 ośrodkach diabetologicznych z całej Polski. Kryteria rozpoznania, zasady samokontroli, docelowe wartości glikemii oraz zasady leczenia pacjentek były oparte na zaleceniach Polskiego Towarzystwa Diabetologicznego z 2011 roku. Program opierał się na badaniu kwestionariuszowym, w którym zbierano dane z wywiadu ogólnego i położniczego, dane antropometryczne pacjentki, dane dotyczące sposobu leczenia GDM oraz dane położnicze dotyczące aktualnej ciąży. Uzyskane dane poddano analizie statystycznej.Wyniki. Wynik 75 g OGTT dostępny był u 2497 kobiet, z czego cukrzycę ciążową rozpoznano ostatecznie u 2408 pacjentek. Średni wiek w chwili rozpoznania wynosił 30,59 ± 4,88 roku (15,9% kobiet > 35. rż.), BMI przed ciążą wyniósł 24,75 kg/m2. Najczęstszymi czynnikami ryzyka GDM były wielorództwo (61,46%), rodzinne obciążenie cukrzycą (49,21%) oraz nadwaga i otyłość (40,16%). Przynajmniej jeden czynnik ryzyka GDM stwierdzono u 86,97% wszystkich badanych. Leczenie insuliną zastosowano u 23,83%, częstość insulinoterapii wzrastała wraz ze wzrostem BMI przed ciążą. Porody przedwczesne wystąpiły u 6,36%, a 47% zakończono drogą cięcia cesarskiego. Średnia masa urodzeniowa noworodka wyniosła 3344 g; częstość LGA i makrosomii to odpowiednio 8,59% i 9,77%. U kobiet z nadwagą lub otyłością zanotowano istotnie większą częstość LGA w porównaniu z grupą z prawidłową masą ciała (p < 0,05) oraz istotnie wyższą masę urodzeniową noworodka (p < 0,001). Nie stwierdzono natomiast korelacji pomiędzy masą urodzeniową, LGA, SGA i makrosomią noworodków a przyrostem masy ciała w okresie ciąży, glikemią na czczo i w 2. godzinie 75 g OGTT. Nie zanotowano istotnych różnic w zakresie wyników położniczych w zależności od sposobu leczenia GDM, wieku ani liczby przebytych ciąż.Wnioski. Na cukrzycę ciążową w Polsce chorują najczęściej kobiety około 30. roku życia, z prawidłową masą ciała, wieloródki, z przynajmniej jednym czynnikiem ryzyka wystąpienia GDM. Co czwarta ciężarna wymaga insulinoterapii. Kobiety z GDM zwykle rodzą noworodka donoszonego z prawidłową masą ciała, w niespełna 10% przypadków jest to noworodek z nadmierną masą urodzeniową, istotnie częściej w przypadku występowania nadwagi lub otyłości u kobiety przed ciążą. Wiek ciężarnych, wynik testu OGTT ani sposób leczenia nie wpływają na wyniki położnicze

    El tema de Dios en la filosofía de Julián Marías

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    El tema de Dios en la filosofía de Julián Marías

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    Tematem pracy jest specyficzne ujęcie zagadnienia stresu i wypalenia zawodowego w pracy nauczyciela. Pierwszy rozdział obejmuje analizę pojęcia stresu w kontekście pracy zawodowej. Przywołane zostały najważniejsze definicje oraz modele w różnych nurtach dotyczących tego pojęcia. Przeanalizowane zostały zjawiska związane z przyczynami i skutkami występowania stresu. W drugim rozdziale zaprezentowano pojęcie wypalenia zawodowego. Obok definicji i modelów funkcjonowania wypalenia, pojawią się kwestie dotyczące przebiegu tego zjawiska w życiu zawodowym. Rozdział trzeci poświęcony zostanie specyfice pracy nauczyciela. Analizie poddane będą czynniki wywołujące stres w tej profesji oraz najczęstsze skutki jego występowania. Podparta ona będzie wynikami innych badań prowadzonych w temacie stresu zawodowego nauczycieli. Rozdział czwarty to prezentacja badań empirycznych, przeprowadzonych w oparciu o wystandaryzowany kwestionariusz do badań nad stresem i wypaleniem zawodowym: Organizational Stress Indicator (OSI) oraz Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI).The theme of the work is specific approach to the problem of stress and burnout in the work of the teacher. The first chapter includes an analysis of the concept of stress in the context of a professional. Cited were the most important definitions and models in the various currents on this concept. Were analyzed phenomena related to the causes and consequences of the occurrence of stress. The second chapter presents the concept of burnout. In addition to the definitions and models of functioning of burnout, there will be issues concerning the course of this phenomenon in life. The third chapter is devoted to the specifics of a teacher. The analysis will be subjected to stressors in the profession, and the most common consequences of its occurrence. It will be supported by the results of other studies conducted in the topic of occupational stress of teachers. The fourth chapter is a presentation of empirical studies conducted on the basis of a standardized questionnaire for the study of stress and burnout: Organizational Stress Indicator (OSI) and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)